Behind the Brains

Channeling my inner 50's/nerd look for inspiration
Name is Michelle from some place far in the......plains of Saskatchewan, Canada. I'm a nerd, bibliophile, part time gamer, and library technician. Yes I have a passion for books and when those include zombies, I'm in my element.

I started this blog for a college project to just showcase zombie book reviews and where to find these books in my libraries in the city of Saskatoon. As soon as the class was done and I got my sweet mark, I decided I wanted to do this more for a hobby. I started finding zombie items, books, and VOILA!

I make no money from this site. I do it purely for fun and when I get some time. I try to post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday but some times the undead can wait for me.

Please enjoy!

Follow on Twitter @ZombieDiaries3 and if you want to follow me personally, cuz I know I'm SOOOO interesting....@Michelle3T. I am also on instagram! @scorpiolady3 and is ZD @dearzombiediaries