Wednesday 3 July 2013


So I have been at this blog for a good year and a half. It is getting a little popular and I have been thinking some changes are needed to be done. Over the next month you will see these changes.

First off I plan on making this blog into more of a website. Going to buy myself a domain! I think .com sounds way better than so be on the look out for that. I'll tweet the new domain when it happens and give updates along the way. 

Another change I'm doing will be adding some darn awful ads. I promise these will be limited. I'm thinking 3 tops. I would like to have a summer income so putting ads on this site will help with that. Sorry but bitches got to make money some how and I'm not very good at hooking. 

I may or may not make a Zombie Diaries Facebook fan page. I really doubt I would do anything different on there than I do on here but people can then "like" it I guess. Depends on my ambition this summer

I'll keep those of you who actually come to this site posted on the changes via twitter and this blog. 

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