Wednesday 31 July 2013

Tractor Trailer Stealer Blames Zombies

Back in April Geekologie informed us that a crazy 19-year-old Jerimiah Hartline stole a tractor trailer, crashed it, and not because he was drunk or looking for a thrill, but because zombies were after him. Hm...sounds like some one is smoking to much ganja. The Huffington Post reported:
It's unclear when the alleged zombies came into the picture, but the insanity began at a Riverside County weigh station. Hartline allegedly hijacked the big rig, which was loaded with strawberries, the Associated Press reports. [Editor's Note: That was mistake number one. In a zombie apocalypse, never commandeer a tractor trailer. You might think it has stopping power, but at some point or another you're going to flip.]
After the flip, the thief tried to steal a van but was detained by the driver. 

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